Our Services

Lighting Upgrades

Our core expertise lies in our ability to visit your facility and conduct a lighting assessment. During an LA we take a very close look at your lighting infrastructure, the lamps you are using, the energy consumed by those lamps and the costs you are paying to operate in your current location.

The Lighting Assessment (LA) along with our energy calculators can tell you clearly how much money you can save with a lighting retrofit. In many cases from our past experiences lighting upgrades have a standard ROI (Return On Investment) of only about 12 months. Along with that the rebates programs can significantly reduce your upfront upgrade costs. Our expert team can help you with the rebates program as detailed hereunder.


We have supplied our customers from our Sales/auditing division our expertise on rebates from the OPA’s (Ontario Power Authority) Save on Energy Program and others around Canada while still in effect. From our Energy Conservation Analysis (ECA) comes the projected rebate. Our staff will prepare the rebate for our customers and submit it on their behalf.
Once pre-approved we can roll out the project with, of course our customers approval.
Rebates range from about 20% to 50% of the project and they can be used to pay for the project.

Turn Key Solutions

For new construction projects we are your one stop for supply and installation of lights and lighting fixtures. In most cases your electrical contractor can install the lights and lighting fixtures provided by us. But if you are keen on saving then reach out to us and we will provide you with a competitive price including the installation service. Our turn key solutions are a true Money Saver for developers and contractors.